Monday, July 15, 2013

Nasturtiums and Sneaky Weeds

One of the nasturtiums planted in the raised bed of tomatoes has started putting out flowers.  :)  Three, hidden underneath the leaves...

While poking through the flower bed, I discovered that what I thought were Scarlet Flax were actually some sort of weed.  I should have known - the weeds are covered with what feels like millions of microscopic burrs and they would creepily stick to my skin as I carefully weeded AROUND them.  (Those who know me well will picture me rolling my eyes, at this point). 

The Scarlet Flax, as it turns out, is smooth and silky feeling.  So I yanked out the weeds, shuddering with each one and flinging them with gusto into the potato patch.  They were propelled more by revulsion than the thought that they could be worked into the soil as compost.  Ahem.

The Golden Detroit beets planted in the raised bed along the driveway have germinated.

Giant pansies continue to bloom. 


Green Curled Ruffec endive in the middle, two nasturiums at the back, Red Russian kale at the bottom.

Eggplant. Woohoo!

Tomatoes by the house - not sure what kind, though.  Possibly yellow cherry.

Some of the tomatoes planted in buckets along the fence look great, like this one.

Others are looking sickly, with yellow, curling leaves. Too bad, as they all have blooms on them and some, like this one, even have a few little tomatoes. Waterlogged?  We didn't put drainage holes in the buckets, as most years we need them to collect rain.  This has been an unusually rainy summer.  I doubt we'll have to deal with imposed water restrictions this year!

First little cob forming.  :)

Tomatoes, peppers, marigolds, and an eggplant beside the house.

Cucumbers, which seem sloooow to get going this summer.

Pansies hiding behind the Creeping Thyme.  You can only see them from the back of the flower bed.   The tall stems without flowers around them are Scarlet Flax...sans the weeds.   ;)

My distinguished assistant, Karl, getting his daily dose of chlorophyll.

Sunspot sunflower



1 comment:


    It is not an easy task having such success with gardening where you are located, so you must be (certainly should be) so very pleased with yourself.

    Wish I were closer to share the fruits of your labours : )
