Monday, August 13, 2018

Garlic Harvest and Blanching Begins

Yesterday, we blanched and froze 5 of our Romanesco cauliflower.   I also made a cabbage roll casserole from one of our cabbage.  Yum!

Romanesco cauliflower

On August 11th, I dug up the garlic rounds and bulbs of the varieties I started from bulbils in 2016.  The Baba Franchuk's are large bulbs already, and the Kiev bulbs are quite large, too!  The others, particularly Brown Tempest, and still small and will need another year or two to reach a good size.  I updated my bulbil post here

Today, I harvested the main garlic crop.  I was underwhelmed by the performance of what I believe is Northern Quebec garlic.  The bulbs are small, with 2 or 3 cloves per bulb.  They grew so much larger in the original garlic bed (North garden) than in this year's (South garden).  The South garden has heavy/clay soil, whereas the North garden's soil is on the sandy side.   The Red Russian garlic is nice and large, but I had to be careful harvesting it.  The clay stuck in great chunks to the root and sides of the bulbs, and trying to remove it resulted in some of the skin being pulled from the garlic. I decided to lay the Red Russian garlic in the shade on the step so the soil can dry out and hopefully be removed without further damaging the skin.

Northern Quebec garlic

Red Russian garlic

This morning, I picked the first bunch of Red Swan beans and blanched them to freeze.  This first picking provided enough to fill two medium freezer bags.  Not bad, for the first go. 

The gazanias are blooming nicely - such a cheerful colour!

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