Wednesday, July 13, 2022

More Baby Tomatoes and Little Firebirds


   Japanese Black Trifele tomato (with two smaller ones behind it and to the left). 



   Indigo Pear Drops tomatoes.  You can already tell these will have purple/black shoulders.  This variety is apparently high in antioxidents (anthocyanins) similar to those found in blueberries.


Gold Harvest dry pea blooms

The Green Beauty snow pea blooms are just starting to open.


   When I saw the variegated leaves, I thought these were Alaska nasturtiums.  But the plant started to trail...and then orange flowers began to open.  Whoops!  It's not Alaska, but another variety called, "Little Firebirds".  I planted them late in the Spring but nothing emerged for almost two months.  I assumed they hadn't germinated and planted Alaska in their place.  It will be fun to watch this plant mature.  The colours of Little Firebirds flowers have been described on several websites as "deep burgundy, warm pumpkin, and rich coral".


   The Bonbon calendula are starting to bloom with gusto.  Most are a sunny orange, and some are yellow.


   One plant, though, is producing bicoloured flowers - a light, pinky/apricot on the tips of the petals and light orange near the center.  Very pretty!


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