Thursday, April 22, 2021

Starting More Seeds

   On April 18th, I planted some more Dwarf Siberian kale, "Hilton" Chinese cabbage, Five Colour Silverbeet Swiss chard, and started some Kalibos red cabbage in a Lee Valley Self-Watering Seed Starter kit that Mom had on hand.  I also started some more Swiss Giant pansies in a pop bottle greenhouse, and some oregano in a small pot that now sits at the back of the stove under the stove light.  I have never grown oregano before, and after seeing how tiny the seeds are, I think success will be a long shot without a heat mat and proper grow light.  But you never know!


Lee Valley Self-Watering Seed Starter

   Yesterday, I moved the seed starter kit (above) and my water jug greenhouses to the balcony of a neighbour on the 4th floor with a better sun exposure than we have. Another neighbour (5th floor) offered her balcony as well. It's nice to have options if the seeds take off and do well.  Each balcony gets a half-day of light compared to what I have in northern BC because the building blocks the sun for part of the day.  Still, that should be enough to grow greens and some flowers.  Fingers crossed!

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