Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Chinese Leaf Garlic

   On the way home from a walk last night, Mom popped into a community garden in the area to look around.  It's large and literally just a block away from the apartment, but has a 3 year waiting list.  She chatted with a man who was tending his plot there and told him about my garden in northern BC...and of my attempts to get a plot while I'm here in Halifax for a time.  He gave her something out of his plot to bring back to the apartment: Chinese Leaf Garlic.  (Also called, "Chinese Chives", "Chinese Leeks", I gather.)  I'd never heard of it before!  It has a strong taste and will be nice in soups and salads.  I hope to run into that fellow this summer so I can thank him for his thoughtfulness.  It will be fun to see what the community garden members have growing over there, too.

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