Saturday, October 10, 2020

Garlic Plot Tilled and First Snow

   Yesterday, R. was able to get the rototiller and till a section of the South garden.  The gardens had little mulch on them this summer, so working the ground was like working cement.  It looks like I might get a garlic patch planted this Fall yet, albeit two to three weeks later than normal.  Once the ground has dried out a bit (it rained overnight and throughout today), I'll weed and get the garlic in.  We'll see next Spring how well the cloves and bulbils handled being planted in cold soil.

   Though we have had a few light frosts, we still have not experienced a hard frost.  It's so unusual not to have had several hard frosts by the second week of October.  However, I did a double take when looking out the window a few minutes ago: it is snowing!  Big, wet, fluffy flakes.  The first snow of the season.

   Slowly, but surely, the tomatoes are being cooked down and the sauce either frozen or canned. Several jars worth of Principe Borghese, Candy Sweet Icicle, and Bellestar tomatoes have been dehydrated, with another batch or two to go.  It will be so nice to have this done and put away.

   Most of the seeds saved from the garden have finished drying, have been labeled, and stored.  I finished putting together a package of seeds to send in to the Annual Canadian Autumn Seed Exchange hosted by Nicky North (this is it's 10th year running).  I missed participating last year, but am eager to see what kinds of seeds arrive in my return package in a few months' time.  It's like Christmas morning, receiving the return package from this exchange!

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