Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Despite So Much Rain, Progress

   Rain, rain, and more rain.  What a soggy summer this has been so far.  Puddles are forming in the driveway as I type.  The last few evenings have brought thunder and lightning as well.  The rain barrels are full and we are not motivated to fill the extra buckets, like we normally do.  Everything is thoroughly (excessively?) watered, and more rain is in the forecast.

   We were given a break yesterday with some sunshine - woohoo! - so I took a few pictures while I could.  

   The first female flower on the Lower Salmon River squash plants opened yesterday.  I was able to hand-pollinate it. Things are underway!

   The peas (Lincoln and Green Arrow) are loaded with flowers and pods are starting to develop.  The ones pictures below are Lincoln peas.  The two varieties are very similar.  This is our first year growing Lincoln peas.  They are a few inches shorter than Green Arrow and seem to have less tendency to reach across the rows and cling onto other plants.  They are a bit more compact. 

Red Swan Beans

A bright pink Cosmo (Dwarf Sensation Mix)

Bachelor Buttons.  I'd never seen a pink one before.  :)

Assorted mints drying in the kitchen.

Two Scotia tomato plants. They are loaded with flowers.

A newly discovered Brad's Black Heart tomato.  How did I miss seeing this until yesterday?

Bea emerging from her snoozing spot between the water barrels.

Lou preferred to sleep indoors, away from the hot sun and humidity.

Springtime Cassis pansies


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