Monday, August 7, 2017

Behold, An Eggplant!

A Ping Tung eggplant has made an appearance!  I only grew two eggplants this year, a Ping Tung and a Black Beauty (which doesn't have flowers yet).  The Ping Tung seems to love the pot it's in and it's location next to the fence.  It is covered with flowers now.  After last year's failed attempt at growing them in-ground, it looks like planting them in large containers is the way to go for us.


These are Red Swan beans (snap/bush).  A friend ordered them from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds and shared a few with me so I could try growing them.  What a neat colour!

I think it's time to rotate the gardens.  Here is the North garden around this time in 2015, looking lush...

...and here it is this morning.  The broccoli plants have given us all they are going to give us this season, but I couldn't bring myself to pull them quite yet.  The garden looks sparse enough this year as it is!

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