Saturday, December 13, 2014

December Seed Haul

Woohoo!  It was a good mail day yesterday.  

In October, I submitted my contribution to the 4th Annual  Canadian Autumn Seed Exchange and have been eagerly awaiting my return package since.  I think I might even look forward to receiving this package more than I look forward to Christmas. 

Like last year, I submitted the maximum number of seed packets (40) along with some bonus packets. I received 56 packets in return, including many varieties of vegetables and flowers that are new to me.  Nicky, the exchange organizer, even included a small bag of seed garlic!  I wasn't expecting that, and look forward to planting them next year.

The exchange package I received included:

Herbs - basil (Dark Opal & Violette Aromatico), chives (garlic), dill (Frank's Extra Large), lemon balm, and thyme.

Magnus Echinacea (
Flowers - Baby's Breath (white and pink), Centaurea Montana (Blue Cornflower, I think), Yellow Columbine, Cosmos (Sonata White), Dianthus (Sweet William Mix), Echinacea (Magnus), hops, English Sweet Pea, Marigold (Cracker Jack), Zinnia (Persian Carpet, Whirly Gig), and Poppy (Bread-Seed Double Red, Double Shirley, Fringed Pink, Mixed Peony).

Beans (dry bush) - Dapple Grey, Hutterite, Ireland Creek Annie, Mrocumiere, and Jacob's Cattle
Beans (pole) - Speckled Cranberry
Beans (snap) - Top Crop
Greens - Lacinato Kale

Jaune Flamme (

Tomatoes - Black Plum, Casino, Chocolate Cherry, Copper River, Costoluto Genovese, Eva Purple Ball, Yellow Taxi, Garden Peach, Jaune Flamme, Pink Berkeley Tie Dye, Romeo, and Work Release Paste.

Peppers (sweet) - Bull Nose, Green Bell, NuMex, and Sweet Cherry.

Miniature White (

Cucumber -  Miniature White and Straight 8.
Leek - American Flag
Onion - Green from Shandong
Garlic - assortment of varieties
Eggplant - Apple Green

Musquee de Provence (

Squash - Butternut, Musquee de Provence, Table King Acorn
Melon - Noire des Carmes
Miscellaneous - Lamb's Ear

Looking forward to next year's exchange already!

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