Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Snow and Tomato Sauce

Monday afternoon (October 1st), I began putting together seed packets to include in my package for the 8th Annual Canadian Autumn Seed Swap.  When I walked to the living room to get some tape, I looked out the window and saw this:

It snowed for much of the afternoon and stuck around until Wednesday.  The nights have been chilly, ranging from -1 to -8.   My favourite floor-length flannel tartan nightgown is in regular use again!

Day 87 of the Great Tomato Processing.  Okay, that is an exaggeration, but it feels like it has gone on that long.  As of today, I have 25 litres of tomato sauce canned and a litre in the freezer.  I think I will be able to get 6 or 7 litres from the remaining tomatoes.  I love growing different kinds of tomatoes every summer, but will have to try to control myself somewhat next year.  It would be easier on me come harvest-time if I limited my choices to medium-to-large sized red, pink, and black/purple varieties, as most of the tomatoes we grow go into sauce.  No cherries or ruffled shapes (tedious to process), and no greens, yellows, or oranges.   That's the current plan.  Let's see what the enthusiastic, "It's time to start transplants!" version of me decides next March.