Thursday, November 21, 2013

Meet Your Urban Farmer

A neat short film series looking at 12 urban farmers in metro Vancouver, BC.  Produced by the Fire and Light Media Group.  Their films can be found on YouTube or on their Vimeo channel.

Here are a few to get you started...

A short film series looking at 12 urban farmers around Metro Vancouver.
In these interviews you will get to meet 12 urban farmers in and around the Metro Vancouver region. You will get to hear what gets them up in the morning, why they love farming in the city, what they’re passionate about, hurdles they face and some less known things to add some spice!
- See more at:
A short film series looking at 12 urban farmers around Metro Vancouver.
In these interviews you will get to meet 12 urban farmers in and around the Metro Vancouver region. You will get to hear what gets them up in the morning, why they love farming in the city, what they’re passionate about, hurdles they face and some less known things to add some spice!
- See more at:
A short film series looking at 12 urban farmers around Metro Vancouver.
In these interviews you will get to meet 12 urban farmers in and around the Metro Vancouver region. You will get to hear what gets them up in the morning, why they love farming in the city, what they’re passionate about, hurdles they face and some less known things to add some spice!
- See more at:
A short film series looking at 12 urban farmers around Metro Vancouver. - See more at:

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Refuge in the Plant Room

There is snow on the ground outside, but two neighbours' cats are enjoying some warmth and sunshine in our plant room this morning.

Neighbour kitty, Butters...

Neighbour kitty, Karl, by some catnip...

Our kitty, Saj, is in hibernation mode, snoozing in a dark, quiet nook on top of R's armoire.

Video - Why Bees Are Disappearing

TEDTalk - Marla Spivak on Why Bees Are Disappearing

Friday, November 8, 2013

Christmas Cactus

One of my Christmas cactus plants has bloomed!  This one has "branches" with red flowers, others with pink flowers.  The first of the red flowers opened this morning.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Frosty Morning

Yesterday afternoon, I pulled out the dried up calendula, gomphrena, pansy, and scarlet flax plants from the flower bed. Into the compost bins they went.  I couldn't budge the rose mallow plants - deep roots - or the kale or Swiss chard, so those will have to wait until the Spring to be removed.

I'm glad I did that yesterday.  This morning, it is -11 degrees and everything is covered with a heavy frost.  Butters (neighbour's cat) spent her second night at our house, even though her people only live two doors down.

Today I'll be making a run to the post office to mail some Speckled Algonquin beans to the Populuxe Seed Bank in Edmonton for their collection.